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1 Skip Intro  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 9:55:20am

I notice that Alaska has a large region of “other”, which I take to be Sarah Palin’s choice of witch burning Pentecostals.

2 CriticalDragon1177  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 12:48:12pm

re: #1 Skip Intro


actually in all seriousness I’m thinking its probably more likely the native religions that are predominate in those areas.

3 freetoken  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 3:01:14pm

Some of the graphs I find a bit misleading, since it is not the case that even in a county where a denomination has a plurality that it has an equivalent amount of influence/meaning as in some other place.

There’s more diversity going on than those maps may lead one to believe.

4 Skip Intro  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 3:42:04pm

re: #2 CriticalDragon1177


actually in all seriousness I’m thinking its probably more likely the native religions that are predominate in those areas.

I don’t think so, since the only religions shown are all sects of Christianity.

5 SpaceJesus  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 6:07:22pm

Orthodox Christians in AK.

Idaho is basically Utah Jr., didn’t know that.

6 CriticalDragon1177  Thu, Dec 12, 2013 6:21:53pm

re: #4 Skip Intro

I don’t think so, since the only religions shown are all sects of Christianity.

Maybe, but that would definitely explain why it was labeled “other.” Keep in mind that the vast majority of Americans everywhere else are Christians, so it would make sense to label the few areas where a majority of the population was non Christian as “other”

7 ausador  Fri, Dec 13, 2013 2:49:57am

A little pie chart I made up some time ago for use at another forum in response to all the whining about how Christians were “becoming an oppressed minority.”

Religious affiliations of the U.S. population.

The data is from a 2007 survey released in early 2008, but is still the most recent data available since the Pew Forum only does the survey every seventh year.

8 HappyWarrior  Fri, Dec 13, 2013 6:09:23am

re: #5 SpaceJesus

Orthodox Christians in AK.

Idaho is basically Utah Jr., didn’t know that.

That’s right. But yeah Idaho has a large LDS population. I believe BYU may even have a satellite campus up there. I wonder what’s up with that smidge of Southern Baptist in nominally Catholic Oregon.

9 Political Atheist  Fri, Dec 13, 2013 10:45:14am

re: #3 freetoken

Yeah, protestants should be showing in Calif.

10 Decatur Deb  Tue, Dec 17, 2013 6:28:23am

re: #7 ausador

A little pie chart I made up some time ago for use at another forum in response to all the whining about how Christians were “becoming an oppressed minority.”

Religious affiliations of the U.S. population.

The data is from a 2007 survey released in early 2008, but is still the most recent data available since the Pew Forum only does the survey every seventh year.

There will be a big overlap of the ‘threatened’ minority Christians with groups that don’t consider Catholics to be Christian. Mystery solved if you group that way.

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